The Gold Mine is a smart contract where you can stake your RoE fortress to earn GOLD, an ERC20 token.
Can I see the GOLD in MetaMask?
Yes, just press this button:
What can I do with GOLD?
There are rumours around the Realms, that it could be used to buy certain things, eventually.
Are any integrations planned for GOLD?
GOLD is intended to be used elsewhere in the metaverse, and integrations are being pursued.
How much GOLD are we talking about?
In the first months there'll be plenty of gold in the mine, for every castle approx. 5 GOLD can be earned daily. After ~ 1st of November it'll be 2 GOLD / castle / day.
What is the difference between claiming and unstaking?
With claiming you obtain the GOLD you were rewarded, with unstaking you are claiming and removing your fortress from the contract - won't be eligible for rewards after that.
Made withYou can support the development with donating ETH: